Those of us who don't have the privilage of being able to discern the blurry text of a captcha can listen to one instead; the theory being if you can figure out the numbers in that jumble of noise you surely can't be a computer. Given the mass amount of "CHEEP SHOOZ LOLOLOL" spam that's been flooding linux haters lately and detracting from the hilarity of the place, I'm going to gamble that either it's not working so well or some people have too little to do. But I digress.
Sometimes when you click the link to listen to the captcha it doesn't work. It so happens that you can right click the link, save target, and you get a nice wave file of the captcha that you can listen to as many times as you like. I still have no clue what accent the guy reading the numbers is supposed to have.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Welcome to my home on the web until I find a better one. I'll post summer updates, rants, and fun/funny things.
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